Donors | Jewish Partisan Educational Foundation


The Jewish Partisan Educational Foundation gratefully acknowledges these donors whose 2024 gifts bring the legacy of the Jewish partisans to young people everywhere — empowering them to speak out early, and to stand up against antisemitism and hate.

Benefactor Donors: $25,000+

California Teachers Collaborative for Holocaust and Genocide Education

Zadro Web
Foundations of Resistance

Patron Donors: $18,000 to $24,999

Aviva and Charles Blaichman
In memory of Jewish partisans Cesia and Frank Blaichman (z’’l)

Paul Orbuch and Lisa King
In memory of Jewish partisan Sonia Orbuch (z''l)

Bella Sekons
In memory of Jewish partisans Cesia and Frank Blaichman (z’’l)

Heritage Donors: $10,000 to $17,999

Gerald Barad
In memory of Jewish partisan Ulo Barad (z’’l)

Samuel and Rachel Boymel Foundation

Steven Boymel
In memory of Jewish partisan Samuel Boymel (z’’l)

Elliott Felson
In memory of Jewish partisan Don Felson (z’’l)

Jacqueline and Andrew Holm
In honor of Jewish partisan Rose Holm, in memory of Jewish partisan Joe Holm (z’’l) and in memory of Steven Holm (z’’l)

Diane and Howard Wohl

Guardian Donors: $5,000 to $9,999

Lainee and Len Engel

Ilysa and Jason Goldblatt

Norman Himelberg

The David Himelberg Foundation

Danielle and Harry Karten
In memory of Jewish partisans Isidore and Julia Karten (z''l)

Evan Kletter

Lee and Murray Kushner
In memory of Aryeh Kushner (z''l)

John Pritzker Family Fund

Estera Stawski and Abi Wrobel
In honor of grandchildren: Nathaniel Cheney, Noa Jurmann, Paulina Cheney, Zoe Jurmann, Isabella Cheney, Joshua Jurmann, Gabriel Cheney, and Raphael Cheney

Sustaining Donors: $2,500 to $4,999

Miriam Engel

Marsha Gaswirth
In memory of Jewish partisans Libby and Leon Bakst (z''l)

Gary Jacob
In honor of Debrah Lee Charatan and in memory of Steven Holm (z''l)

Bonnie and Stuart Kotler
In memory of Jewish partisans Leah and Abe Kotler (z''l)

Danny Petrasek
In memory of Jewish partisan Adriana Petrasek (z''l)

Barbara and Allie Resnik
In memory of Jewish partisans Ruth and Irving Resnik (z''l)

Chai Donors: $1,800 to $2,499

Carolyn and Andrew Albstein
In memory of Steven Holm (z’’l)

Caryn and Michael Bedzow
In memory of Jewish partisans Sara and Charles Bedzow (z’’l)
In memory of David Sklar (z''l)

Efrat Campagnano and Howard Felson
In memory of Jewish partisan Stan Felson (z’’l)

Hannah S and Samuel Cohn Foundation

Shelley Cohn and Bennett Schmidt

Jessica and Michael Eisler

Esther and Dr. Allan Feingold
In memory of Jewish partisans Sara and Charles Bedzow (z’’l)
In memory of David Sklar (z''l)

Claudia Felson
In memory of Jewish partisan Murray Gordon (z''l)

Linda and Dr. Murray Johnson
In memory of Jewish partisans Leah and Velvel Johnson (z’’l)

Linda Koffman
In honor of Abraham Koffman and Eva and Michael Neuman

Susan and Dr. David Levy
In memory of Jewish partisan Alex Folkman (z''l)

The Pomeranc Family
In memory of Jewish partisans Sally and Jack Pomeranc (z''l)

Lisa Stone Pritzker Family Foundation
In honor of Elliott Felson

Laura and Jonathan Raiffe
In memory of Jewish partisan Benjamin Bedzow (z''l)

Norma and Cliff Russo
In honor of Danielle and Harry Karten

Maurice and Lena Russo Family Foundation

Fran and Howard Shapiro
In memory of Jewish partisans Sara and Charles Bedzow (z''l)
In memory of David Sklar (z''l)

Abigail and Jason Sussman
In honor of Danielle and Harry Karten

The Tamarkin Family
In memory of Jewish partisans Judith and Marvin Ginsburg (z''l)

Barak Wrobel
In memory of Jewish partisan Eta Wrobel (z’’l) and Henry Wrobel (z’’l)

Donations: $180 to $1,799

Ziona Alpert
In memory of Abe Alpert (z''l)

Ralph Berger
In memory of Jewish partisans Frances and Murray Berger (z''l)

Diane and Jeffry Bernstein
In honor of Elliot Felson

Sy Blechman
In memory of Jewish partisans Judith and Marvin Ginsburg (z''l)

Berne and James Bookhamer
In memory of Jewish partisans Julia and Isidore Karten (z''l)

Janet Braff

Sue and Larry Broder

Henry Brysk
In memory of Jewish partisan Dr. Miriam Brysk (z''l)

Kathy and Michael Burge
In memory of Jewish partisan Murray Gordon (z''l)

Alan Carpien

Marc David Cohen

Ed and Sharon Cushman

Wendy and Kalman Edelman

Michelle Ender and Aaron Blumenthal

Michael Falkove

Anita and Steve Feinstein
In honor of Sheri Rosenblum

Julia and Leonard Felson
In memory of Jewish partisan Stan Felson (z''l)

Robin and Phil Fine
In honor of Sheri Rosenblum

Cherri Forrester
In honor of Paul Orbuch and in memory of Jewish partisan Sonia Orbuch (z''l)

Dana and Brad Gaswirth
In memory of Jewish partisans Libby and Leon Bakst (z''l)

Dr. Samuel Gelbart
In memory of Ida and David Gelbart (z''l)

Paula Gellman
In memory of Jewish partisans Frank and Cesia Blaichman (z’’l)

Judy Linden and Howard Ginsburg
In memory of Jewish partisans Judith and Marvin Ginsburg (z''l)

Jane and Lev Ginsburg
In memory of Jewish partisans Judith and Marvin Ginsburg (z’’l)

Riva Ginsburg
In honor of Tama and Frank Tamarkin,  Rachel Abramson and Jenny and David Rittberg

Zepporah Glass

Cindy Rogoway and Joe Goldberg
In honor of Paul Orbuch

Seth Goldberg

Frank Gordon
In honor/memory of the Ginsburg Family (Judith, Marvin, Leah) (z''l)

Patti and Harvey Gould

Michelle and Steven Gradow
in memory of Jewish partisan Jeff Gradow (z''l)

Sheri Cohen and Charles Green

William Greenspan
In memory of Velwel Greenspan (z’l) and Henry Greenspan (z''l)

Kathleen Grossman
In memory of Howard Grossman (z''l)

Sarah and Michael Grossman

Shelley Holm and Dr. Paul Eric Hammerschlag
In honor of Jewish partisan Rose Holm and in memory of Jewish partisan Joe Holm (z’’l)

Rose Holm
In memory of Steven Holm (z’’l)

Ada and Jim Horwich

Kimberly and Jonathan Hymes

Sam Idas
In memory of Jewish partisan Leon Idas (z''l)

Jay Ipson

Howard Jaeckel

Vicki and Scott Kahn
In honor of Elliott Felson

Ellen and Joseph Kaidanow
In honor of Jewish partisans Ellen and Jerry Kaidanow

Lorraine and Mark Karten
In memory of Jewish partisans Julia, Isidore, and Hersch Karten (z’’l)

Charlene and Dr. Michael Kass
In memory of Jewish partisan Bernard Novick (z’’l)

Barbara and Ron Kaufman

Jerry Kickenson

Helene Gradow and Abbe Kingston
In memory of Jewish partisan Jeffrey Gradow (z''l)

Estelle Kirsh
In honor of Professor Jeff Horn

Sheryl and Anthony Klein

Lola Kline (z''l)

George Landau

Gloria and Dr. Larry Lieberman
In memory of Steve Holm (z''l)

Jeffrey Louis

Brian Lustbader

Laura and Steven Mayer Family

Barbara Meislin
In honor of Mitch Braff

Gila and Adam Millstein

Susan Schwartz and Howard Muchnick

Avi and Paul Munro
In memory of Jewish partisan Moshe Baran (z''l)

Allison Musmand
In honor of Margot and Eli Musmand

Lily Zborowski Naveh and Avner Naveh
In memory of Diane and Eli Zborowksi (z''l)

Anna and Max Rosenblum

David Rosnow
In memory of Jewish partisan Mira Shelub (z''l)

Heather Rosnow
In memory of Jewish partisans Mira Shelub and Morris Rosnow (z''l)

Kimberly Schwalbe and Jack Dunietz

Robin and Jason Schwalbe
In memory of Jewish partisan John Klein (z’’l)

Susan Shapiro

Marilyn Robie and Arthur Shechet

Ileana and Sender Shub

Abby and Larry Small
In memory of Jewish partisan Allen Small (z''l)

Arielle Solc

Jessica Wolf Spiegel and David Spiegel
In memory of Jewish partisans Judith and Marvin Ginsburg (z''l)

Sanford Stadtler
In honor of Paul Orbuch

David Strassler

Stuart Fleischmann and Esther Trakinski
In memory of Jewish partisan Simon Trakinski (z''l)

Marjorie and Joel Wein

Fran Ginsburg and Dr. Edwin Wolf
In memory of Jewish partisans Judith and Marvin Ginsburg (z’’l)
In memory of David Gruskin  (z''l)

Rachel and Michael Wolf
In memory of Jewish partisans Judith and Marvin Ginsburg  (z''l)

Sophia Shulkin and Vladimir Yakopson
In memory of Rachel Drel (z''l) and Frida Perlin (z''l)

Diane and Howard Zack

Ronna and Robert Zelwin

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